

Postgraduate student vacancies

1. One Chinese PhD student for 2025 fall enrolement.

  • Research area: 3D neuron tracing in mouse brain using deep learning and computational modeling based on the wiring data obtained. The background of this area can be found in this paper and
  • Requirements: (1) Strong motivation for high-quality research. (2) Good experience in deep learning and computer vision. A neuroscience background is not required.

2. One or two non-Chinese PhD students for 2025 fall enrolement.

  • Research area: (1) 3D neuron tracing in mouse brain using deep learning. (2) AI+robotics.
  • Requirements: (1) Good English communication skills. (2) Strong motivation for high-quality research. (3) Good experience in deep learning, computer vision or robotics.

Postdoc vacancies

Full-time postdoctoral posisions in the following areas are available.

  • Brain-inspired artificial intelligence (AI). The aim is to develop powerful AI models especially neural networks for computer vision related applications based on findings in neuroscience.
    • A background with neuroscience is preferred.
  • Adversarial attack and defense.
  • Computer vision.
    • Experience in dense prediction tasks is preferred such as detection and segmentation in 2D/3D images.


  1. 以第一作者发表过高水平论文。
  2. 思维活跃,动手能力强,团队组织能力强。


  1. 薪资、保险等按照国家和清华大学博士后管理办法执行。
  2. 可申请清华博士后公寓或享受住房补贴。
  3. 解决子女入园、入学。
  4. 推荐申请各类博士后支持计划,包括博士后科学基金项目、博士后创新人才支持计划、博士后国(境)外交流项目等。具体信息请查询清华大学博士后官网:
  5. 优异者可推荐申请清华大学“水木学者”计划,学校为水木学者提供优渥的薪酬待遇:校发年薪30万元(税前);提供周转公寓,如个人放弃租住学校周转公寓,提供租房补贴4.2万元/年;由教师发展中心提供职业发展培训,“水木学者”可参加清华大学新教师导引计划。

If you are interested, please send me an email with your CV.

Current Postdocs


Current postgraduate students

Han Liu (PhD)

Gang Zhang (PhD)

Hang Chen (PhD)

Xiao Li (PhD)

Xiaopei Zhu (PhD, co-supervising)

Runxuan Yang (PhD)

Shuning Zhao (PhD)

Hongkai Jiang (PhD)

Kuiyu Wang (Master)

Guo Chen (Master)

Kai Li (Master)

Amaury Prat (Master)

Kate Bulatova (Master)

Sapozhnikova Daria (Master)

Dung Nguyen (Master)

Current undergraduate students

Tianle Zhang (Dept. of CS)

Wei Zhang (Dept. of CS)

Current visiting students

Guohuan Gao (Beijing Institute of Technology)

Yining Liu (Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai)

Junnan Chen (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

Ziyi Li (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

Junbin Gao (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

Zhen Zhao (Beijing Forestry University)

Jinyu Li (Beijing Forestry University)

Former Postdocs

Qiongxiu Li (now @Fudan University, China)

Junjie Yan (now @MiniMax)

Yichao Wu (now @Sensetime)

Wentao Liu (now @Sensetime)

Former postgraduate students

Chufeng Tang (PhD. Now @ Huawei)

Zhanhao Hu (PhD, co-supervising, Now @UC Berkeley)

Samuel Richard Pegg (Master)

Shangqi Guo (PhD, co-supervised)

Weiyi Zhang (Master)

Hector Martel (Master, now @ Elliptic Laboratories ASA, Oslo, Norway)



Hamza Keurti (Master)

Valentin Yiu (Master)

Eskender (Master, co-supervised)

Nicolas Lang (Master)

Haoran Chen (Master; now @ Microsoft)

Xiang Li (PhD, co-supervising; now @ Nanjing Univ of Sci and Tech)

Yulong Wang (PhD; now @ Alibaba)

Jian Wu (Master; now @ Lingdongyin Tech)

Valery Kovtun (Master)

Niange Yu (Master; co-supervised; now @ Apple, Beijing)

Yisu Zhou (Master; co-supervised)

Fangzhou Liao (PhD, co-superivsed; now @ Shukun Tech)

Xi Chen (Master; now @Face++)

Qingtian Zhang (PhD, co-superivsed; now Postdoc @ Tsinghua)

Ming Liang (PhD, co-superivsed; now @ Uber Technologies, Toronto)

Xiaolu Zhang (PhD, co-superivsed; now @ IBM China)

Former visiting students

Fabian Fluerenbrock (Master, RWTH Aachen University)

Shuning Zhao (Master, The University of New South Wale)

Zhi Cheng (Undergraduate, University of Toronto)

Shouwen Wang (PhD, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

Xiaoyang Liu (PhD, Huazhong University of Science and Technology; now @ CityU of Hong KOng)

Jianfeng Wang (Master, BUPT; now @ Lenovo)

Xibin Yue (Master, BFU; now @ Moji)

Former undergraduate students

Ziqi Wang (Dept. of CS)

Qianyang Zeng (Dept. of CS)

Ziyu Ren (Dept. of CS)

Zhi Zheng (Xinya College)

Yuan Gao (Dept. of CS)

Xiaodi Yuan (IIIS)

Weifan Wang (Xinya College)

Moufan Li (Dept. of CS)

Jikai Han (Beihang University; now @ The University of Manchester)

Yuanda Liao (Dept. of CS; now @ Tsinghua University)

Chen Wu (Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures)

Jing Wen (Dept. of CS; now @ CMU)

Jianjin Xu (Dept. of CS; now @ Columbia University)

Changran Hu (Dept. of EE; now @ Stanford University)

Jiarui Lu (Dept. of CS)

Qibin Chen (Dept. of CS)

Jialin Zhao (Dept. of CS)

Zhanhao Hu (Dept. of Physics; now @ Tsinghua University)

Yi Zhang (Dept. of EE; now @ Johns Hopkins University)

Shaoxiong Wang (Dept. of CS; now @ MIT)

Chengzhi Mao (Dept. of EE)

Xingyu Jin (Dept. of EE; now @ CMU)

Xiaoyang Guo (Dept. of CS; now @ CUHK)

Ke Bai (Dept. of Physics; now @ Duke University)

Chengxu Zhuang (Dept. of EE; now @ Stanford University)

Jian Wu (Dept. of EE; now @ Tsinghua University)

Yue Zhao (Dept. of EE; now @ CUHK)

Chen Huang (Dept. of CS)

Menghao Zhang (Dept. of CS; now @ Tsinghua University)

Yulong Wang (Dept. of EE; now @ Tsinghua Univ.)

Chen Liu (Dept. of CS; now @ EPFL)

Peiyun Hu (Dept. of CS; now @ UC Irvine)

Tianlin Shi (Institute of Interdisciplinary Information Sciences; now @ Stanford University)

Peng Qi (School of Software; now @ Stanford University)

Shuochen Su (Dept. of CS; now @ University of British Columbia)

Yun Yang (Dept. of Math.; now @ Duke University)

Qiaochu, He (Dept. of Automotive Engineering; now @ UC Berkley)

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